Sometimes you’re not in your home country but need to obtain your NBI clearance right away — frequently for work abroad. This is often the reason why many OFWs want clearance as quickly as possible. Filipinos in Osaka who want to get an NBI Clearance can apply at the PCG Osaka office.
Fortunately, thanks to advancement in technology, this has become more accessible and quicker to obtain – in fact, it can be obtained in less than a month and sent directly to your local address in the Philippines, as processed by a representative back in the Philippines to claim it for you. If you live in Osaka and want to know how to use this service, keep reading until the end of this article.
Here’s What You Need To Know When Applying for NBI Clearance in PH Consulate General in Osaka

Most Filipinos in Japan still don’t know how to get their NBI clearance. If not for a guide, most of them also have to learn how to apply for their documents, which can be quite challenging given the language barrier among other things. This post aims to help you get the most out of your NBI clearance application while in Japan by covering all the basic details.
Purpose of the NBI Clearance
Did you know that the NBI has issued a new certificate, which covers a variety of purposes? In this post, we’ll go over some of them and how you might use them to your advantage:
Proof of Identity
In the Philippines, it’s usually required for employers to have a copy of yor NBI certificate when you apply for a job.
The NBI clearance is usually used to prove that the holder has a clean record in the Philippines and is not involved in any crimes.
This document can also be used by both local and foreign individuals wanting to stay in the country or travel overseas.
In the Philippines, employers require job applicants to provide their National Bureau of Investigation clearance to prove that they’ve been involved in no criminal activities. The NBI clearance is typically used to screen potential employees. Aside from this, it can also be used to prove that the individuals aren’t involved in criminal activities.
Aside from securing employment, the NBI clearance is also used to travel to other countries. With an NBI clearance, you can visit various countries such as Australia, the USA, China, and Hong Kong. Do note that the old green version of the NBI clearance is no longer in circulation. This document was particularly intended to be used for work or travel overseas.
Making Changes in Legal Documents
If your marriage license or birth certificate has errors, an NBI clearance can help you make changes to these documents. An NBI clearance allows you to prove your identity and alter documents in legal documents, such as birth certificates and marriage licenses.
Verifying Account
To avoid getting bounced, double-verify your Cash-in limit before increasing it. Doing so will also prevent unauthorized transactions. That said, this process usually requires a valid NBI clearance. Aside from this, other documents such as driver’s licenses and ID cards can also be used to complete transactions.
The National Bureau of Investigation’s clearance is a document that shows that you are in good standing with the law. It can be used to get a job, study abroad, or start a business.
Basically, police clearance and an NBI clearance are different. The purpose of these two documents is to check if there have been any criminal cases against you.
The clearance process of the NBI and the FBI is the same. However, the two agencies have different capabilities and time constraints.
Unlike a police clearance, the NBI’s is valid for one year. Due to the advancements in the field of law enforcement, it became easier for individuals to get one.
In 2017, the NBI changed the format of its clearance form, which stated its purpose instead of stating its purpose.
Those who are living in Japan, specifically in Osaka, may obtain an NBI clearance through fingerprint impressions at the Philippine Consulate General. The process can vary depending on if you’re a new applicant or are applying for renewal.
First-time Applicants
- Completed NBI Fingerprint Card, available from the Consulate General’s Notarial Unit.
- A valid passport is required (original & 2 copies of the data page)
- A valid identity card, such as a driver’s license or a residency card (original and two copies; if the ID is in Japanese, you must submit a translation of the information in the card’s booklet.)
- Two (2) 2×2 white-background photographs, which had been taken during the last three months prior to the application.
For Renewal
For people who got their NBI clearance from 2014 to the present, they can renew it without having to go through the usual process of getting a new fingerprint card.
Those who got their NBI certificates before 2014 will have their applications treated as new.
Step-by-Step Process
- For availing of the NBI Clearance Form, applicants should fill out the barcoded form which can be secured from the NBI’s Clearance Building.
- You will be asked to provide your fingerprint impressions in person at the consular section.
- To complete the form, fill out the Barcoded NBI Fingerprint Card.
- For the passport-size photos, submit two 2×2 colored photos in white background taken within the last three months.
- The applicant should also bring two copies of his/her passport data page with him or her when applying.
- If available, the applicant should also bring with him/her the previously issued NBI clearance/s.
- Settle the processing fee of 3,250 yen.
Note: NBI clearance forms are usually filled out by the Consulate after they take fingerprint impressions. The NBI does not clear applicants from the Consulate. In order for the clearance form to be processed, the applicant must send it to the Philippines.
Video: How To Apply For An NBI Clearance Abroad
Here is a useful tutorial guide prepared by an OFW, who goes by the name of Mei, when she applied for a renewal of her NBI Clearance certificate last year. Based on the NBI’s website, there is a general guide or step-by-step procedures with which overseas Filipinos must comply. This covers the requirements, mailing your application form, to collecting the document at the NBI main office.
Do note that door-to-door delivery is not yet available for the service for overseas Filipinos, and so you may need to ask a relative to collect your certificate once it has been issued by the NBI. In this case, you will also need to write an authorization letter for your representative who will claim your document, as part of the verification requirements at the NBI.
The best thing you can do is to prepare everything ahead so that you won’t get caught up in securing additional documents, which you could have prepared beforehand, so as not to hassle your representative, and ultimately, delay the processing period for your document.
At the consulate, you will be instructed to have your fingerprints taken. This is the only thing that the consulate will accomplish for you, and the rest, you must accomplish by yourself (i.e., mailing the forms and submitting the digital copies of your documents). But at any rate, feel free to ask assistance from the consular staff or have them clarify any of the steps that you might not fully understand in relation to this task.
Where do you get your NBI Clearance when Abroad?
The easiest way to apply for this document is by going to the Philippine consulate or embassy in your host country.
An embassy is a facility that serves as a communication channel between the Philippines and its host country.
The consulate general is a representative of the Philippine government. It can help Filipinos living in another country with their documentary requirements and other processes.
How can I get an NBI clearance in the Philippines if I’m a foreigner?
For foreigners, the NBI requires them to show their good standing in the Philippines and not to commit crimes while they’re in the country.
For foreigners, the easiest way to get an NBI clearance is by filling out the required details on its website.
I got a “hit” on my NBI clearance. What should I do?
If you got hit while applying for a clearance, then you would need to go through the verification process first.
If there’s a criminal case that has already been resolved, then bring the original documents to prove the resolution of the case.
How can I get my NBI clearance if I’m abroad?
If you’re not in the Philippines and need to obtain a clearance certificate, the consulate general can only help you obtain an NBI Form 5.
How can I verify if my NBI clearance is fake or valid?
You can do this through the website’s homepage or follow the steps provided.
I’ve already used/submitted both copies of my NBI clearance. Can I request additional copies?
Individuals who want to acquire more copies of their clearance should go to the clearance website and sign in, according to NBI’s support desk.
Only online applications are accepted by NBI clearing centers. This is due to the fact that they only accommodate individuals who have previously made an appointment. To put it another way, if you need extra copies of your NBI clearance, follow the same steps as NEW APPLICANTS.
How long does it take to get NBI clearance?
Usually, it takes about 15 to 30 minutes to get your clearance certificate after reaching the office.
Before receiving your clearance, you should send it to your home or office within 3 days. For those who are not in the country, it usually takes up to 30 days.
My NBI clearance has a typographical mistake, misspelling, or incorrect information. How do I fix it and obtain a new one?
If an individual has provided the wrong information during the registration process, they should then apply for a new clearance.
You can also make changes to the information in your application. This step is similar to the process of obtaining a new clearance.
I still have an unresolved case. Can I still receive an NBI clearance?
When the NBI learns of a pending case in your records, you can visit the court of origin and apply for a Disposition Clearance.
I was the subject of a blotter report. Is it going to be an issue if I apply for an NBI clearance?
Even if their case is still pending, all applicants can still get an NBI clearance.
If the case has already been submitted to the courts, or the fiscal office has not yet ruled on the issue, then you can be assured that NBI clearance will be given without any problems.
Cases that have already reached the court’s database are not considered for NBI clearance. This is because the database already holds the case.
Even if the case is still pending, the chances of the applicant getting another clearance are slim.
Before the case goes to court, it should already reflect on the NBI clearance that you obtained from the agency. This means that you should attend an interview before applying for another clearance.
I don’t have a middle name. How can I apply for an NBI clearance online?
A middle name is supposed to tell us who we are from and distinguish us from people with the same name and surname.
Even if you use the same name many times, those without a middle name is still allowed to get married or get IDs.
I was unable to obtain my NBI clearance on the day I was instructed to return. Can I still make a claim?
NBI clearance documents are usually given on the day an applicant’s appointment is made. However, for some individuals, such as those with a “HIT” status, they may not be issued for a certain amount of time.
If you share the same name with another person, this can result in you getting a warning. Most of the time, the designation of a “HIT” is considered non-suspicious and you will be instructed to return to the office to claim your document.
You can claim an unclaimed NBI clearance for a year from the day it was issued. Just go to the branch of the agency that issued the document and provides the reference number used when you applied.
I have a dash/hyphen in my first name/last name and can’t register because the system recognizes it as a special character. What should I do?
When registering, you can’t include a hyphenated name or a first name in your address.
Before applying, type in the applicant’s name and address. Your details will be checked by the staff members of the NBI.
Type the letters followed by the first and last digits of the address’s dash or hyphen before receiving the clearance letter.
When I select the form of payment, I receive an error message stating that the “OTP field is necessary.” What does this imply, and what can I do?
When an applicant for a visa or a renewal gets an error message while trying to pay with their preferred method, they are required to provide a payment option.
The error message will disappear once the user has created a new one-time password.
The following steps are provided by the National Bureau of Immigration’s online support center to help resolve this issue.
- When you get the error message “OTP field is required,” dismiss the pop-up window.
- If you’re on a laptop/desktop, click the drop-down menu with your name or the profile icon (if you’re on mobile) in the upper right corner of your page. Select “Logout.”
- Before logging in using your email address and password, refresh the page. The issue should be fixed as soon as possible. If it still persists, contact the NBI’s support center immediately.
Getting an NBI clearance in Osaka is simple and quick. Just show up at the consulate or call the office to confirm your appointment. Although the online application process is already available for applicants in the homeland, it’s not yet applicable to those based overseas. Despite this, the application system via the consulate is fairly straightforward. As long as you get your fingerprint taken, the consular staff will provide you with everything you need to gather and submit for your application which will be processed at the NBI’s main office in the Philippines. In this regard, they too will be the ones issuing your document. If there’s anything you need to exercise to accomplish this task without any hassle, it’s proper communication, organization, and following guidelines accordingly. Make sure to do these things so that you won’t have a hard time accomplishing this task. And to this end, hopefully, you can obtain your certificate right on time for whatever you need it for – whether work, travel, or legal records.
READ NEXT: Advisory: No More ‘Red Ribbon’ for Official Documents
Contact Information
The Philippine Consulate General in Osaka, Japan
Address: Twin 21 MID Tower 24F, 2-1-61 Shiromi
Chuo-ku, Osaka, Japan 540-6124
Office Hours: 0900H to 1700H Monday to Friday except official Philippine and Japanese holidays
Telephone Number: 06-6910-7881
Google Map Location: